Examination Latest News and Updates.

Main Modifications Consultation Responses - 28 June 2024

The submissions made in response to the Main Modifications consultation are now available to view on the Main Modifications Consultation page, together with a spreadsheet of the responses and the Council’s comments to the issues raised. 


Main Modifications Consultation Starts - 11 April 2024

The consultation on the Main Modifications opens on Thursday, 11 April 2024 and closes at 5pm on Friday, 24 May 2024. For full details on the consultation please see the Main Modificationswebpage. 


Inspectors' Initial Findings following Hearing Sessions  - 28 February 2024

The Inspectors have written to the Council with their initial findings following the hearing sessions. Their letter to the Council can be viewed at ED45 in the Examination Documents.


Whitfield Urban Extension Trajectory - 20 February 2024

The Inspectors’ consultation on Examination document ED44 has now closed and the responses can be viewed on the Consultation on ED44 - Whitfield Trajectory (SAP1) page.


Whitfield Urban Extension Trajectory - 1 February 2024

The Council have submitted an updated trajectory for the Whitfield Urban Extension and this can be viewed in the examination documents at ED44.

The Inspector is running a targeted consultation on this document.  Full details can be viewed on the Consultation on ED44 - Whitfield Trajectory (SAP1) page - 1 February 2024


New Documents - 31 January 2024

A number of documents have been submitted by the Council in response to action points raised by the Inspectors during the hearing sessions. The documents are now available in the Examination Documents with the reference numbers ED36 through to ED43 - 31 January 2024


Statement of Common Ground - 16 November 2023 

An updated Statement of Common Ground between Dover District Council and Kent County Council has been submitted and can be viewed in the Examination. Documents at ED31 - 16 November 2023


Statement of Common Ground - 10 November 2023 

An addendum to the earlier Statement of Common Ground between Dover District Council and Natural England(ED8) has been submitted and can be viewed at ED30 in the Examination documents - 10 November 2023

Addendum to Statement of Common Ground (ED8) between Dover District Council and Natural England can be view here - 10 November 2023


Hearing Sessions Live Stream and Recordings - 10 November 2023

The live stream of each of the hearing sessions, and the recordings following individual sessions, can all be accessed HERE- 10 November 2023


Updated Hearing Statement Matter 4 - 7 November 2023

The Council have submitted an updated hearing statement for Matter 4 to correct some of the figures in the original hearing statement.

The updated statement can be viewed on the Hearing Statement page - 7 November 2023


Statement of Common Ground - 3 November 2023

A Statement of Common Ground concerning Land at Archers Low Farm, Sandwich (SAP22) has been submitted and can be viewed at ED29 in the Examination documents - 3 November 2023


Change to Hearing Sessions programme: Whitfield Urban Extension and Aylesham Site Allocations - 1 November 2023

There has been a change to the hearing sessions programme as the sessions for the Whitfield Urban Extension (SAP1) and the Aylesham Site Allocations sessions have been swapped round. The Aylesham session will now take place in the morning session on 16th November, and the SAP1 session will take place in the morning of Thursday 22 November. For the up to date programme and participants (V.3) please see the Hearing Sessions page.


Dover District Council Five Year Housing Land Supply 2023-2028 and Authority Monitoring Report 2022-23 are now available - 23 October 2023

The Council have submitted a document updating their Five Year Housing Land Supply which can be viewed at ED27 in the examination documents. The latest Annual Monitoring Report 2022-2023 can also be viewed at ED28.


Hearing Statements in response to the Inspector's MIQ's are now available - 23 October 2023

The hearing statements submitted in response to the Inspectors’ Matters, Issues and Questions for the hearing sessions can now be viewed on the Hearing Statements page.


Statements of Common Ground have been updated and are now available - 23 October 2023

A number of Statements of Common Ground have been submitted and these can be viewed in the Examination Documents at ED16-ED26 inclusive.


Hearing Sessions Programme with Participants now available - 3rd October 2023

The Programme with the Participants for each of the hearing sessions is now available and can be viewed on the Hearing Sessions page.


Hearing Sessions Programme arranged and documents available - 30th August 2023

The dates for the Hearing sessions of the Examination have now been arranged, with the sessions opening at 10.00 am on Tuesday 14 November. For further information, including the Inspectors’ Matters, Issues and Questions and Programme for the Hearings, please see the Hearing Sessions page


Responses to Sustainability Appraisal NTS Addendum/Errata now available - 27th July 2023

The responses to the consultation on the Sustainability Appraisal NTS Addendum/Errata are now available and can be viewed on the Examination Documents webpage at ED11 and in the consultation portal https://dover.objective.co.uk/portal


Council's Letter to Inspectors concerning Gypsy and Traveller Need - 27th July 2023

The Council have written to the Inspectors concerning Gypsy and Traveller Need and their letter and appendices can be viewed in the examination documents at ED12 on the Examination Documents webpage.


Council submits updated Infrastructure Delivery Plan, with Appendices, together with two Statements of Common Ground - 26th July 2023

The Council have submitted an updated Infrastructure Delivery Plan with Appendices, together with two Statements of Common Ground. One between the Council and Natural England and the other between the Council and the Dover Harbour Board. The documents are posted on the Examination Documents webpage at ED6 through to ED9 inclusive.


Council's Response to Inspectors' Initial Questions - 21st June 2023

The Council have submitted their response to the  Inspector’s Initial Questions (ED4).    The Council’s response is referenced ED5 with appendices ED5A to ED5M inclusive and the documents can be viewed on the Examination Documents webpage.


Sustainability Appraisal Consultation - 25th May 2023

The Council are carrying out a consultation on two Sustainability Appraisal documents:

1)  Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary (NTS) of the Publication Dover District Local Plan (September 2022) and

2)  Sustainability Appraisal Addendum and ERRATA Sheet II (May 2023).  

For information on the consultation please view the Council's consultation portal


Inspectors' Initial Questions to the Council - 23rd May 2023

The Inspectors have written to the Council with their initial questions. The letter can be viewed in the Examination Documents at ED4.


Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary Consultation - 5th May 2023

The Council have written to the Inspectors concerning the consultation that took place on the Sustainability Appraisal at Regulation 19. Their letter can be viewed in the Examination Documents at ED2. The Council will now be running a further full consultation on the missing SA document and SA Addendum (March 2023) and will be providing details of the consultation as soon as possible.


Inspector Appointment - 18th April 2023

The Secretary of State has now arranged for an Inspector to be appointed by the Planning Inspectorate. The appointed Inspector will examine the Local Plan to establish whether it is ‘sound’, taking into account all of the representations received. The Inspectors appointed to examine the Dover District Local Plan are Matthew Birkinshaw BA (Hons) Msc MRTPI and Clive Coyne BA (Hons) DipTP MRTPI.


Submission - 31st March 2023

The Dover District Local Plan to 2040 was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent Examination on Friday 31st March 2023.

To find out more about the next steps in the Local Plan process and information about the Examination process please view the Examination Home Page